Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) in Urdu
In 2011, Grace for Pakistan translated the Westminster confession of faith in Urdu, the national language of Pakistan. For the first time ever. Now this document is available in Urdu Language.
westminster Confession of faith (1646)
A Few Words
Urdu is a living language spoken by over 490 million people around the world. An apology is particularly due to Pakistani Christians that the translation of this important document into Urdu was not done a long time ago. It brings much joy and thankfulness to know that this translation has finally been accomplished.
John Calvin was the leading reformer in the Church during the 16th century. Calvin did not invent a new religion, but sought to explain and understand what God had already revealed in His Word. It is like Christopher Columbus who is accredited with discovering America, even though the continent had already long existed. The understanding that Calvin had of God’s Word is the root of much of the theology and focus of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches.
The westminster Confession of faith was written in 1646 by a group church leaders in England, who were strongly influenced by the teachings of Calvin and who sought to create a systematic presentation of the theology of the Bible.
This translation has not been accomplished alone. I am personally thankful to my friends who encouraged me and prayed for me to undertake this work; to Grace Presbyterian Church New Zealand, have partnered with me since 2001; to my local Church Redeemer Grace Presbyterian Church, to my fellow Elders Dr. Andrew Young, Rev. Wally Rakate, Dr. Steve Williams and Pastor Tony Bracefield, for their prayers which have enabled this to be accomplished.I am particularly thankful to my wife for sharing my life and supporting me in this ministry.
Amjad Khan (December 2011)
Click on the Following link to read/print or download the Westminster Confession of faith in Urdu Language

Why Westminster Confession of Faith?
The role of the family in upholding sound doctrine
This confession was designed for families to help parents instruct children in sound doctrine. The Westminster Confession of Faith, which is nearly identical to the Baptist Confession, appeals in its introduction first of all to heads of households to teach sound doctrine to their families. It reads like this:
“How much the serious endeavors of godly parents and masters might contribute to an early seasoning, the tender years of such as are under their inspection, is abundantly evident.”
“That, as the Lord has set them in place above the rest of the family, they would labor in all wisdom and spiritual understanding to be above them also. It is an uncomely sight to behold men in years babes in knowledge, and how unmet are they to instruct others who need themselves to be taught, which be the first principles of the oracles of God.
The Westminster Confession was written for families in order to establish sound doctrine so that the church would not end up with spiritually ignorant children.
A church without a doctrinal foundations is an unprotected church
My advice to people is very consistent: Don’t go to a church without a statement of sound doctrine.
Impact of the confession on the church, family, and contemporary society
The Westminster Confession had enormous impact on Christian culture, and even on nations. Benjamin Warfield, the great theologian from Princeton Seminary, wrote this of the confession and its impact on Christianity:
The significance of the Westminster Standards is a creed to be found in these three facts: Historically speaking, they are the final crystallization of the elements of evangelical religion. After the conflicts of sixteen hundred years, scientifically speaking, they are the richest and most precise and best guarded statement ever penned. Of all that enters into the evangelical religion, and of all that must be safeguarded if evangelical religion is to persist in the world. And religiously speaking, they are a notable monument of spiritual religion.
The impact on people’s lives was enormous. Douglas Kelly speaks of the impact of the Westminster Confession on Scottish peasants. He says: “Generations of children brought up on the catechism have had a greater capacity for conceptual thinking, as opposed to merely pictorial thinking, than those who never memorized it.”
Charles Spurgeon told of the value of the Second London Baptist Confession to the family,
Here, the younger members of our church will have a body of divinity in small compass, and by means of the scriptural proofs, will be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in them… Remember, it is the ancient gospel of martyrs, confessors, reformers, and saints. Above all, it is the truth of God against which the gates of hell cannot prevail… Cleave fast to the Word of God which is here mapped out for you.”
Click on the Following link to read/print or download the Westminster Confession of faith in English Language
