Grace For Pakistan has been providing God’s Word in Pakistan. Today we are serving in all over Pakistan. Every year we distributes thousands of Bibles to needy Pastors and Evangelists who are serving the very poor Christian community of Pakistan.
“The greatest method of evangelism is the distribution of Scriptures.” – Billy Graham.
Bible Guide (Doctrine)
we use super easy language in bible guide so people with basic and primary school level, easily understand. the bible guide is consist on 33 chapters with biblical references. we are passionate about teaching God’s word and engaging in discipleship is to help combat the false teaching which abounds in Pakistan. apostle Paul says “you must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine. ( Titus 2:1)
The Bible guide is the based on the Westminster Standards
which were written for families in order to establish sound doctrine so that the Church would not end up with spiritually ignorant children.
Douglas Kelly speaks of the impact of the Westminster Confession on Scottish peasants. He says, “Generations of children brought up on the catechism have a greater capacity for conceptual thinking, as opposed to merely pictorial thinking, than those who never memorized it.”
Charles Spurgeon told of the value of the Confession to the family, “Here, the younger members of our church will have a body of divinity in small compass, and by means of the scriptural proofs, will be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in them… Remember, it is the ancient gospel of martyrs, confessors, reformers, and saints. Above all, it is the truth of God against which the gates of hell cannot prevail… Cleave fast to the Word of God which is here mapped out for you.”
Bible Correspondence Course
The bible correspondence course is based on the Westminster Standards (the Confession of Faith and the Catechisms). The catechisms were written especially for families, both adults and children, to teach sound doctrine so the Church would not be full of spiritually ignorant people. Good teaching is hard for Christians in Pakistan to obtain, because persecution and a lack of Bibles and biblical material.
Persecution Relief Fund
Our Pakistani Christian brothers and sisters are being driven from their homes and jobs, imprisoned, tortured, exiled into poverty because of their Christian faith. This fund is specially designed to help Christian community in Pakistan
Redemption Fund for bonded labour (Free Slave)
What is bonded labour?
Brick-kiln workers in Pakistan are low paid and families live just at survival level. If someone falls sick or another kind of family crisis occurs they have to take a loan from their employer, the brick-kiln owner. After this interest on the loan is deducted from their weekly wages and this can go on for years, even for generations. They are forced to try to subsist on reduced wages and, as long as the debt remains, they are bonded to their brick-kiln, unable to leave and get another job. It is almost like slavery.
How Redemption Fund is setting Christian bonded labourers free
G4P pays off in full the debt that Christian bonded labourers owe to the brick-kiln owner, setting them free from bondage. Other projects we fund make sure they never fall back into debt again.